The Quest for Pot Stock Profits and Personal Sovereignty

Jeff Siegel

Written By Jeff Siegel

Posted April 25, 2019

It’s never just been about the money.

Although the money has been really, really good.

As you know, I’ve been helping investors like you make huge fortunes in the cannabis space for nearly five years now. And I take great pride in that.

Knowing that one of the members of my Green Chip Stocks community invested $40K into Canopy Growth Corporation (TSX: WEED) when I first recommended it, then unloaded it for $49.85 a share, put a huge smile on my face.

How could it not?

With one single investment, he turned $40K into more than $1.2 million.

He literally became a millionaire!

I love it!

But the truth is, advocating for the legalization of cannabis has never been just about the money.

It’s also about something that I take very seriously.

And unless you want to live in a world where the government has jurisdiction over your body and, really, your very existence, then you should take it seriously, too.

Who Owns You?

It seems like a silly question, but it’s one we need to recognize.

Who owns you?

You are not a slave.

You are not a pet dog.

You are a human being.

An individual.

The very idea of anyone owning you seems absurd.

Yet, in many respects, governments all over the world do not honor this very basic concept.

And I’m not just talking about places such as North Korea, Venezuela, and Syria.

Although those are the homes to some of the most brutal dictatorships in the world, we needn’t look any further than our own backyards for evidence of violations of personal sovereignty.

What the Hell Is Personal Sovereignty?

Personal sovereignty is a very simple concept…

It’s really the basic understanding that you own you.

You are the exclusive controller of your own body and your own life.

Simple, right?

And as one who fully embraces personal sovereignty, I choose to use cannabis for both medical and recreational purposes.

It is my body, my choice.

And although most cannabis legalization advocates don’t even realize it, by fighting to end the prohibition of cannabis, they are supporting the personal sovereignty movement.

The same is true with those who invest in cannabis.

By investing in the cannabis companies that are actively contributing to the strengthening of local economies, we are making the industry so strong and so powerful that the government can no longer continue to allow prohibition to exist — and therefore can no longer violate the basic principles of personal sovereignty by persecuting those who choose to consume cannabis.

The power of capitalism is undeniable.

It is a force for good.

And so is the power of personal sovereignty.

You own you.

It’s that simple.

And if you want to use cannabis for medical or recreational purposes, based on the basic fundamentals of personal sovereignty, you can.

And if you want to make a boatload of cash by investing in the legal cannabis space, that is your right as a sovereign individual.

In fact, you’d be foolish not to.

Truth is, I’ve already delivered three quadruple-digit winners for members of my Green Chip Stocks community.

We have more than a dozen double- and triple-digit winners under our belts, too.

And if you don’t believe me, just click here to see the evidence for yourself.

I’m not going to lie…

Exercising your right to self-ownership while making a ton of cash is beautiful thing.

And I encourage you to do it, too.

It’s not difficult at all.

You just need to embrace your own self-ownership and know which cannabis stocks are going to make you the most money.

And while I can’t help you with the first part of that, I sure as hell can help you with the making money part.

Click here now, and let me show you how.

To a new way of life and a new generation of wealth…

Jeff Siegel Signature

Jeff Siegel

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Jeff is the founder and managing editor of Green Chip Stocks. For more on Jeff, go to his editor’s page.

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